Grand Theft Defense Lawyer

If you have been charged with grand theft in Florida please contact Chris S. Boatright, P.A. at 407-740-8300 to discuss what options may be available to get your grand theft charge dismissed or reduced.

Driver License Suspension

A conviction for a grand theft may cause your drivers license to be suspended.

Civil Demand Letter

If your alleged grand theft was from a store then you probably will receive a letter from the store or from a law firm on behalf of the store within 30 days of the alleged grand theft requesting you to pay $200 to avoid the store suing you to recover loss prevention costs.  This request is a separate matter from the pending criminal case and should be discussed with your lawyer upon receipt.

Former Grand Theft Prosecutor

As a former grand theft prosecutor Chris has an understanding of what can be important to the prosecutor in your grand theft case.  It is important to understand how the other side works.  Chris uses this understanding to determine what needs to be done to get the best possible outcome in your grand theft case.

Grand Theft Defense Lawyer Since 1999

Chris has been defending individuals charged with grand theft since 1999.  Being a grand theft defense lawyer for so long has given Chris the opportunity to spend a lot of time working with the judges and prosecutors that handle grand theft cases like yours.  Experience dealing with those judges and prosecutors is important in achieving the best results in your grand theft case.

Different Grand Theft Defense Lawyers Get Different Results

When you have been charged with any type of grand theft you need an aggressive, experienced, and knowledgeable lawyer like Chris to defend you.  A grand theft conviction will stay on your record forever, therefore, it is important to be represented by the right lawyer.  The better prepared you are for your court appearance the more likely it is you will get a favorable outcome.  The best results possible are rarely obtained by just hoping for them.  Get the help you need at Chris S. Boatright, P.A. to get the best results possible.

Information About Grand Theft Charges

The value of the item or items allegedly stolen determines if a theft charge is a grand theft. Grand theft is categorized into three degrees.  The value of the property allegedly stolen determines the degree of the grand theft

  •  If the value of the stolen property is greater than $300 but less than $20,000, the crime is a third-degree felony punishable by a maximum of 5 years in prison and/or 5 years of probation and/or a $5,000 fine.
  •  If the value of the stolen property is $20,000 or more but less than $100,000, the crime is a second-degree felony punishable by a maximum of 15 years in prison and/or 15 years of probation and/or a $10,000 fine.
  •  If the value of the stolen property is $100,000 or more the crime is a first-degree felony punishable by a maximum of 30 years in prison and/or 30 years of probation and/or a $10,000 fine.


In order for the State of Florida to prove you committed the crime of grand theft, the State need’s evidence.  Normally, the law enforcement officer’s report contains a statement of the evidence against you.  However, there may be other evidence in your case which the law enforcement officer failed to document in the report.  It is essential for you and your attorney to review all of the evidence in your case before preparing your defense.  Some important questions are:

  •  Were there any witnesses to the incident and if so did they provide a statement?
  •  Was the incident recorded by videotape?
  •  What is the actual value of the property allegedly stolen?
  •  Was the property recovered?

Constitutional Rights

The United States Constitution and the Florida Constitution both guarantee that people be free from self-incrimination.  In order for a person to give up their privilege against self-incrimination the person must do so freely voluntarily and knowingly and that is why a person is normally advised of their Miranda rights after arrest but prior to any questioning by a law enforcement officer.  It is important for you to know if your privilege against self-incrimination was violated.  If your privilege against self-incrimination was violated evidence in your case may be inadmissible.  Some important questions to consider are:

  •  Were you questioned by a law enforcement officer after you were arrested?
  •  Did you make any statements that are harmful to your case?
  •  Were you read your Miranda rights?

Grand Theft Charge Penalties

A conviction for grand theft can result in many different penalties.  It is important for you to know what penalties you may be facing.  Some of the penalties for a grand theft conviction may include:

  •  Time in Jail or Prison
  •  Probation
  •  Community Service
  •  Classes
  •  Loss of your driving privileges
  •  Restitution
  •  Cost of Investigation
  •  Cost of Prosecution
  •  Fines
  •  Court Costs

*All program fees and costs are subject to change without notice*

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