Penalty For Driving Without A License In Florida?
In Florida driving without a valid driver’s license is a crime and is different than driving with a suspended driver’s license.
There are two types of driving with a suspended license charges. Driving with a suspended license with knowledge of the suspension is a criminal charge. Driving with a suspended license without knowledge of the suspension is a civil infraction.
Driving without a valid driver’s license is a second degree misdemeanor punishable by up to 60 days in jail, 6 months probation and a $500 fine.
If you have been charged with driving without a license please contact Chris S. Boatright, P.A. at 407-740-8300 to discuss your case. Chris is a former driving without a license prosecutor who has been defending people charged with driving without a license for over 18 years. If driving is important to you then put his knowledge and experience to work protecting you.
Driving without a license charges can be beaten in court for many reasons. Chris has beaten them for many clients and he may be able to beat them for you. Call 407-740-8300 for a free consultation.