Stalking Injunction Lawyer
If you have been served with a notice of hearing for an injunction for protection against stalking or have a filed a request for an injunction for protection against stalking in Florida please contact Chris at 407-740-8300 to discuss what options may be available to get the injunction for protection against stalking granted or dismissed.
Injunction For Protection Against Stalking
If you are a victim of stalking, you can ask the court for a protective order prohibiting stalking. Stalking means the repeated following, harassment, or cyberstalking of one person by another. Cyberstalk means to engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or to cause to be communicated, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at a specific person, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate purpose.
Injunction For Protection Lawyer Since 1999
Chris has been representing individuals seeking and defending against injunctions for protection since 1999. Being a injunction for protection lawyer for so long has given Chris the opportunity to spend a lot of time working with the judges that handle injunction for protection against stalking cases like yours. Experience dealing with those judges is important in achieving the best results in your injunction for protection against stalking case.
Different Injunction For Protection Against Stalking Lawyers Get Different Results
When you have requested or have been served with a request for an injunction for protection against stalking you need an aggressive, experienced, and knowledgeable lawyer like Chris to represent you. An injunction for protection against stalking can last forever and stay on your record for forever, therefore, it is important to be represented by the right lawyer. The better prepared you are for your court appearance the more likely it is you will get a favorable outcome. The best results possible are rarely obtained by just hoping for them. Get the help you need at Chris S. Boatright, P.A. to get the best results possible.
Temporary Injunction For Protection
If a person requests an injunction for protection against stalking and the court finds a basis for that request the person will be given a temporary injunction for protection against stalking and the case will be set for a hearing to determine if the injunction for protection against stalking should remain in place or be dismissed.
Permanent Injunction For Protection
At the hearing for the injunction for protection against stalking a judge can issue an order either granting or denying the injunction for protection against stalking. If the injunction for protection against stalking is granted then the judge will also determine the length of time the injunction for protection against stalking will remain in place. If the injunction for protection against stalking is granted the judge will also set the conditions of the injunction for protection against stalking. These are things like not being allowed to contact the person, not being allowed to be within 500 feet of the person, not being allowed to be within 500 feet of the residence of the person, not being allowed to be within 500 feet of the place of employment of the person and not being allowed to possess firearms.
Effects Of An Injunction For Protection Against Stalking
As a result of an injunction for protection against stalking being place against someone a judge can also require a person to complete anger management counseling in addition to a mental health evaluation and any recommended counseling from that evaluation. A permanent injunction for protection against stalking against a person will prohibit that person from ever possessing a firearm or ammunition.
Violation Of The Conditions Of The Injunction For Protection Against Stalking
If a person violates a condition of the injunction for protection against stalking the person can be found in contempt and given a jail sentence.
Injunction For Protection Against Stalking Information
If you are a victim of stalking, you can ask the court for a protective order prohibiting stalking.
Stalking means the repeated following, harassment, or cyberstalking of one person by another.
Cyberstalk means to engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or to cause to be communicated, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at a specific person, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate purpose.
The person making the request to the court is called the petitioner.
The person whom the person is asking for protection from is called the respondent.
If the facts contained in your request for an injunction for protection against stalking convince the judge that you are the victim of stalking, the judge will grant you a Temporary Injunction For Protection Against Stalking.
Injunction For Protection Against Stalking Defenses
Conflicting Details
Conflicting details in an alleged victim’s story about the incident, for instance, alleged victim says the Defendant threw a dinner plate at the alleged victim, that hit the alleged victim and shattered on the tiled kitchen floor, but no dinner place pieces are anywhere to be found, the Defendant allegedly punched a hole in the wall of the bedroom, but there is no hole in the bedroom wall, etc.
Divorce and/or child custody and/or child support and/or alimony issues that are reasons for the alleged victim to make up an incident or exaggerate an incident.
False Allegations
False allegations because the alleged victim is actually the one who committed the domestic violence but does not want to go to jail so the alleged victim makes up domestic abuse that never occurred. False allegations because the alleged victim is being kicked out of the home due to relationship problems such as cheating. False allegations because the Defendant cheated on the alleged victim and the alleged victim wants revenge. False allegations because the alleged victim owes the Defendant money.
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