Divorce And Domestic Violence Charges
Divorce is a stressful situation. People do not get divorced because they are in agreement over things like money and children. Divorce proceedings can lead to further disagreements about money and child custody issues. One parent may seek to make a false domestic violence claim in order to gain an advantage in the divorce regarding child support and child custody. The purpose of this false domestic violence allegation can be to get the other person out of the house, to prevent the other person from seeing his or her children and therefore to get more child support as a result of having full custody of the child or children. False domestic violence allegations can also be made to justify alimony in divorce proceedings. Many issues have to be decided in a divorce case and accusing the other side of domestic violence charges can be an improper way to get an advantage in the divorce case. If you would like to discuss how I can help, the consultation is free. Please call me at 407-740-8300, text me at 407-616-8808 or email me at [email protected].